Rejection of Miracles, Messages, Verses
System of Messengers Proven
The Day of Judgment
Un-named Messengers
Impossible to reveal ALLAH's Secrets
Who are the True Submitters?
ALLAH sends Knowledge to the
Submitters through
How do we define what constitutes
a Quranic Miracle?
A sad note - being unappreciative
of ALLAH's blessing
The Test
Why have Past communities
gone astray?
Last minute repentance & belief
not acceptable by ALLAH
Warning - a word of caution
Rejection of messengers
Rejection of Miracles,
Messages, Verses
Messengers come with clear
signs and proofs
Predetermined life span of
Believing Communities
benefit from ALLAH
My Signs - Proofs
Closing Comments
I seek refuge in ALLAH from satan the rejected.
In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
6:157 - Nor can you say, "If only a scripture could come down to us, we would be better guided than they." A proven scripture has now come to you from your Lord, and a beacon, and a mercy. Now, who is more evil than one who rejects these proofs from ALLAH, and disregards them? We will commit those who disregard our proofs to the worst retribution for their heedlessness.

7:146 - I will divert from My revelations those who are arrogant on Earth, without justification. Consequently, when they see every kind of proof they will not believe. And when they see the path of guidance they will not adopt it as their path, but when they see the path of straying, they will adopt it as their path. This is the consequence of their rejecting our proofs, and being totally heedless thereof.

42:16 - Those who argue about ALLAH, after receiving His message, their argument is nullified at their Lord. They have incurred condemnation, and have deserved a severe retribution.

43:36 - Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion.

43:47 - 43:48 - When he showed them our proofs, they laughed at them. Every sign we showed them was bigger than the one before it. We afflicted them with the plagues, perhaps they repent.

43:78 - "We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth."

50:5 - They rejected the truth when it came to them; they are utterly confused.

40:56 - Surely, those who argue against ALLAH's revelations without proof are exposing the arrogance that is hidden inside their chests, and they are not even aware of it. Therefore, seek refuge in ALLAH; He is the Hearer, the Seer.

40:69 - Have you noted those who argue against ALLAH's proofs, and how they have deviated?

44:19 - And, "Do not transgress against ALLAH. I bring to you powerful proofs."

44:33 - We showed them so many proofs, which constituted a great test.


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