System of Messengers Proven
The Day of Judgment
Un-named Messengers
Impossible to reveal ALLAH's Secrets
Who are the True Submitters?
ALLAH sends Knowledge to the
Submitters through
How do we define what constitutes
a Quranic Miracle?
A sad note - being unappreciative
of ALLAH's blessing
The Test
Why have Past communities
gone astray?
Last minute repentance & belief
not acceptable by ALLAH
Warning - a word of caution
Rejection of messengers
Rejection of Miracles,
Messages, Verses
Messengers come with clear
signs and proofs
Predetermined life span of
Believing Communities
benefit from ALLAH
My Signs - Proofs
Closing Comments
I seek refuge in ALLAH from satan the rejected.
In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


The system of messengers proven through the Day of Judgment verses:

39:71 Part A - "Did you not receive messengers from among you, who recited to you the revelations of your Lord.

Revealed: The Allah Letters are 7, the Messenger Letters are 19


39:71 Part B - and warned you about meeting this day?"They will answer, "Yes indeed.

Revealed: Both parts the Allah Letters are 7 and 8, the difference is 1.

Revealed: Both parts the Messenger Letters are 19 and 18, the difference is 1.


39:71 Part C - But the word `retribution' was already stamped upon the disbelievers."

Revealed: The Messenger Letters are 14 - Confirmation of the 7 Pairs Sacred Code.

Revealed for all three parts the Allah Letters are 7, 8, 9 - difference is 1 throughout.


39:71 Part - They will answer, "Yes indeed.

Revealed: The Gematric Values (GV) of the Messenger Letters is 178.

Revealed: The GV of 178 tells you that the message sent through Makbool Husain is connected to the Day of Judgment.

Revealed: The GV of Allah Letters is 62. By adding ALLAH's Name - 66 - to 62, it reveals 128 the name of the messenger also.


40:50 (Part 1) They will say, "Did you not receive your messengers who delivered to you clear messages?" They will reply, "Yes we did."

40:50 (Part 2) They will say, "Then implore (as much as you wish); the imploring of the disbelievers is always in vain."

Revealed: The Allah Letters are 13 and 14, the difference is 1.

Revealed: For Part 2, the Allah Letters are 14 and the Messenger Letters are 14 - MATCHING.

Revealed: For the Part "They will reply, "Yes we did."", the GV of Messenger Letters is 178.

The GV of 178 tells you that the message sent through Makbool Husain is connected to the Day of Judgment.

Revealed: The GV of Allah Letters is 62. By adding ALLAH's Name - 66 - it reveals 128 the name of the messenger also.

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