
God's Profound Message to the World - A Warner has come to deliver the Message

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In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


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QURAN - Proven English Translation - A Revelation from the Lord of the Universe.

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"The Messenger's Inspired Message to the People."

(click on each of the tabs below for details)


  • ALLAH communicates with the human beings
  • Proclaiming that ALLAH is ONE

The way ALLAH communicates with the human beings

The only way ALLAH communicates with the human beings is through inspiration and by granting revelations to His selected and chosen messengers. The sending down of revelations is done only through the authorized messengers whom the Most Gracious selects and chooses. The messengers then relay and recite the messages to the people after showing the signs and proofs given to them. The unauthorized people have nothing to recite to the people from Allah, nor are they allowed to attribute their utterances to Allah, as it is a gross lie.

42:51 No human being can communicate with Allah except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.

42:52 Thus, we inspired to you a revelation proclaiming our commandments. You had no idea about the scripture, or faith. Yet, we made this a beacon to guide whomever we choose from among our servants. Surely, you guide in a straight path.

Revealed: The Arabic letters for both verses on “inspiration” are 77 and 105, both are multiples of 7. The actual verse on inspiration given to messengers is Verse 42:51, which has 77 Arabic Letters coded under the Seven Pairs Miracle.

The messenger’s name initials in both verses are 33+44 = 77, Subhan Allah. Glory be to Allah, who has precisely inscribed 77 name initials of the messenger to reveal and confirm the “ultimate miracle of Seven Pairs.”

42:51 Part 1: No human being can communicate with Allah except through inspiration.

Revealed: The Allah letters are 14 and messenger’s letters are 15, the diff. is 1. The great “Revelation of 1” provides the Proof that Allah is indeed communicating with me to reveal His messages, Subhan Allah.

42:51 Part 2: Or from behind a barrier,

Part 3: Or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.

Revealed: The messenger’s letters are 7 and 21, the diff. is 14. The Coded Miracle of Seven Pairs is granted to the messenger as His Sign.

Communication by Allah with His messenger confirmed:

42:51 Part: Or by sending a messenger.

Part: Through whom He reveals what He wills.

Revealed: The messenger’s letters in each part are 7 and 8, the diff. is 1.

Revealed: The GV of messenger’s letters are 202 and 136, the diff. is 66, for Allah, Subhanahoo. He has revealed His glorified name, Allah 66, through the letters of the messenger to prove and confirm that these revelations are the Truth from Him.

It is clear and proven through the above 2 revelations – the Revelation of 1 and the Revelation of 66 – that Allah is One. The glorified revelations show Allah’s immense mercy upon the messenger by coding his name letters in the glorious Quran to reveal and prove that HE IS ONE, AND HE IS ALLAH. (Subhanahoo) The name of the website was thus “Inspired by Allah” to be “God Proven as 1.”

42:51 Part: Or by sending a messenger.

Revealed: The GV of messenger's letters is 202 which brings out the Glorified Name of "Rubb" in Arabic, or LORD in English. It proves that the Lord is in command and control, and He is the One who sends His messenger whenever He wills.

Revealed: The GV of Allah letters is 62. By adding His glorified name 66, the sum becomes 128 – revealing the name of the messenger.

42:51 Part: Through whom He reveals what He wills.

Revealed: The GV of Allah letters is 8 and of the messenger is 136, the diff. is 128 revealing the name of the messenger 128 through whom the Most Wise is sending down these revelations.

42:51 Part: Except through inspiration, or from behind a barrier,

Revealed: The Arabic letters are 19 and Quranic Initials are 14, revealing the Sacred Codes of 19-14 through the messenger.

Part: Or from behind a barrier.

Part: Or by sending a messenger.

Revealed: The Allah letters are 3 and 4, the diff. is 1.

Revealed: The messenger’s letters are 7 and 7. Allah is the One who has blessed the messenger with the Sign of Seven Pairs by coding his name letters in the Quran to leave no doubts about the ultimate miracle being granted to him, Alhumdo Lillah.

42:51 Part 1: No human being can communicate with Allah except through inspiration.

Part 2: Or from behind a barrier, or by sending a messenger through whom He reveals what He wills. He is the Most High, Most Wise.

Revealed: Each part is perfectly coded with Allah letters 14 and 14 – revealing the great Miracle of Seven Pairs.

Praise and Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Universe

Proclamation that your god is one god - He is ALLAH

21:25 Part 1: We did not send any messenger before you except with the inspiration:

Part 2: "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Revealed: The Verse is sacredly marked with 14 Aleefs - the Ultimate Miracle of Seven Pairsproving that the messengers are sent with the inspiration that ALLAH is ONE, and should be worshiped as such.

Revealed: The Allah letters in entire verse are 25 and messenger's letters are 30. (Based on these special numbers, the combination creates Verse 25:30 - please read it).

These numbers are sacredly coded to reveal the Absoluteness of Allah as: "the One God in the Universe" through the Sacred Number 165.

25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 = 165

Note that the value of 165 is the result of adding the number of Allah letters in the Verse to the number of messenger's letters in the Verse. This shows the importance of divine inspiration from Allah to His messenger and another proof of Absoluteness of Allah in appointing and inspiring the messengers.


The Proven Inspiration to the messenger:

21:25 Part 1:We did not send any messenger before you except with the inspiration:
Part 2:"There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Revealed: The Allah letters are 12 and 13, revealing the difference of One, Subhan Allah. This proves that the Absolute Allah is the One who inspires the human messenger to proclaim His Oneness to the people and to teach them how to worship Him, without committing idolatry.

Revealed: The messenger's letters are 22 and 8 in each part, revealing the diff. of 14 - the glorified miracle granted as a Sign to the messenger.


21:25 Part 2: "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Revealed: The Quranic Initialed Letters are 17 and the Aleefs are 8 - the pattern reveals the first name of the messenger, Makbool, 178, Praise be to Allah.

Revealed: The Quranic Initialed Letters are 17 and the messenger's letters are 8 - the pattern again reveals the first name of the messenger, Makbool 178, Subhan Allah.


21:25 Part: Except with the inspiration, "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Proven Coded Inspiration Revealed: The Allah letters are 19 in this part proving the inspiration given to every messenger to proclaim that ALLAH IS ONE, or "La Elaha Ella Allah."


21:25 Part: Except with the inspiration.

Part: "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Revealed: The messenger's letters are 7 and 8, the difference is 1.


21:25 Part: The inspiration given (noohee elaihay).

Proven & Coded Inspiration: The GV of messenger's letters is 114 - the inspiration given to the messenger is about the entire Quran containing 114 chapters, Subhan Allah, an immense blessing and mercy of my LORD..


21:25 Part: Except with the inspiration.

Revealed: The Allah letters are 6 and messenger's letters are 7, the difference is 1.

Revealed: The GV of Allah letters is 68 and GV of messenger's letters is 144, the sum is 212, spelling out the words "my LORD" or "Rabbi."

21:25 Part: There is no god except Me.
Part: You (the people) shall worship Me alone.

Revealed: The Arabic Letters are 14 and 7, revealing the glorified Sign and Miracle of Seven Pairs granted to the messenger as solid proofs from the Quran.


The Ultimate Miracle from the LORD - RABB - 202

21:25 Part 1: We did not send any messenger before you .
Part 2: Except with the inspiration: "There is no god except Me; you shall worship Me alone."

Revealed: The GV of messenger's letters for each part are 594 and 392, the diff. is 202, Glory and Praise be to the Lord (Rabb). My Lord has sliced the verse in such a perfect way to reveal that the revelations and proofs are indeed from Him, Alhumdo Lillah.


Glory and Praise be to Allah.




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