Quranic Initials
Allah letters
Arabic Letters
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My Initials
My Letters
Quranic Initials
Verses and Chapters
I seek refuge in ALLAH from satan the rejected.
In the Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Quranic Initials

There are 28 letters in the arabic language. Half of these (ie. 14 letters) are called the Quranic Initials. These can easily be tracked down through the 29 Chapters in which they appear.

The 14 letters to appear as "initials" beginning 29 chapters, along with their values, are:


Letter Letter Gematrical Value
aleef ا 1
Ha ح 8
ra ر 200
seen س 60
saad ص 90
taw ط 9
'ain ع 70
qaf ق 100
kaf ك 20
lam ل 30
meem م 40
nun ن 50
ha ه 5
ya ي 10

In the Quran, the 29 chapters, along with the letters that appear are:


Number Chapter Quranic Initials
1 2 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
2 3 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
3 7 aleef, lam, meem, saad ا ل م ص
4 10 aleef, lam, ra ا ل ر
5 11 aleef, lam, ra ا ل ر
6 12 aleef, lam, ra ا ل ر
7 13 aleef, lam, meem, ra ا ل م ر
8 14 aleef, lam, ra ا ل ر
9 15 aleef, lam, ra ا ل ر
10 19 kaf, ha, ya, 'ain, saad ك ه ي ع ص
11 20 taw, ha ط ه
12 26 taw, seen, meem ط س م
13 27 taw, seen ط س
14 28 taw, seen, meem ط س م
15 29 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
16 30 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
17 31 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
18 32 aleef, lam, meem ا ل م
19 36 ya, seen ي س
20 38 saad ص
21 40 Ha, meem ح م
22 41 Ha, meem ح م
23 42 Ha, meem, 'ain, seen, qaf ح م ع س ق
24 43 Ha, meem ح م
25 44 Ha, meem ح م
26 45 Ha, meem ح م
27 46 Ha, meem ح م
28 50 qaf ق
29 68 NuN*-** ن ن

** For the details on this letter, see Appendix 1 (page 380) of the authorized English translation of the Quran by Rashad Khalifa. "This initial is unique; it occurs in one sura, 68, and the name of the letter is spelled out as 3 letters - nun waw nun - in the original text, and is therefore counted as two "N's."


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