Sura - 24 Light
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[24:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[24:1] A sura that we have sent down, and we have decreed as law. We have revealed in it clear revelations, that you may take heed.

[24:2] The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out ALLAH's law, if you truly believe in ALLAH and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty.

[24:3] The adulterer will end up marrying an adulteress or an idol worshiper, and the adulteress will end up marrying an adulterer or an idol worshiper. This is prohibited for the believers.

[24:4] Those who accuse married women of adultery, then fail to produce four witnesses, you shall whip them eighty lashes, and do not accept any testimony from them; they are wicked.

[24:5] If they repent afterwards and reform, then ALLAH is Forgiver, Merciful.

[24:6] As for those who accuse their own spouses, without any other witnesses, then the testimony may be accepted if he swears by ALLAH four times that he is telling the truth.

[24:7] The fifth oath shall be to incur ALLAH's condemnation upon him, if he was lying.

[24:8] She shall be considered innocent if she swears by ALLAH four times that he is a liar.

[24:9] The fifth oath shall incur ALLAH's wrath upon her if he was telling the truth.

[24:10] This is ALLAH's grace and mercy towards you. ALLAH is Redeemer, Most Wise.

[24:11] A gang among you produced a big lie. Do not think that it was bad for you; instead, it was good for you. Meanwhile, each one of them has earned his share of the guilt. As for the one who initiated the whole incident, he has incurred a terrible retribution.

[24:12] When you heard it, the believing men and the believing women should have had better thoughts about themselves, and should have said, "This is obviously a big lie."

[24:13] Only if they produced four witnesses (you may believe them). If they fail to produce the witnesses, then they are, according to ALLAH, liars.

[24:14] If it were not for ALLAH's grace towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have suffered a great retribution because of this incident.

[24:15] You fabricated it with your own tongues, and the rest of you repeated it with your mouths without proof. You thought it was simple, when it was, according to ALLAH, gross.

[24:16] When you heard it, you should have said, "We will not repeat this. Glory be to You. This is a gross falsehood."

[24:17] ALLAH admonishes you that you shall never do it again, if you are believers.

[24:18] ALLAH thus explains the revelations for you. ALLAH is Omniscient, Wise.

[24:19] Those who love to see immorality spread among the believers have incurred a painful retribution in this life and in the Hereafter. ALLAH knows, while you do not know.

[24:20] ALLAH showers you with His grace and mercy. ALLAH is Most Kind towards the believers, Most Merciful.

[24:21] O you who believe, do not follow the steps of Satan. Anyone who follows the steps of Satan should know that he advocates evil and vice. If it were not for ALLAH's grace towards you, and His mercy, none of you would have been purified. But ALLAH purifies whomever He wills. ALLAH is Hearer, Knower.

[24:22] Those among you who are blessed with resources and wealth shall be charitable towards their relatives, the poor, and those who have immigrated for the sake of ALLAH. They shall treat them with kindness and tolerance; do you not love to attain ALLAH's forgiveness? ALLAH is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[24:23] Surely, those who falsely accuse married women who are pious believers have incurred condemnation in this life and in the Hereafter; they have incurred a horrendous retribution.

[24:24] The day will come when their own tongues, hands, and feet will bear witness to everything they had done.

[24:25] On that day, ALLAH will requite them fully for their works, and they will find out that ALLAH is the Truth.

[24:26] The bad women for the bad men, and the bad men for the bad women, and the good women for the good men, and the good men for the good women. The latter are innocent of such accusations. They have attained forgiveness and a generous reward.

[24:27] O you who believe, do not enter homes other than yours without permission from their inhabitants, and without greeting them. This is better for you, that you may take heed.

[24:28] If you find no one in them, do not enter them until you obtain permission. If you are told, "Go back," you must go back. This is purer for you. ALLAH is fully aware of everything you do.

[24:29] You commit no error by entering uninhabited homes wherein there is something that belongs to you. ALLAH knows everything you reveal, and everything you conceal.

[24:30] Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. ALLAH is fully Cognizant of everything they do.

[24:31] And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to ALLAH, O you believers, that you may succeed.

[24:32] You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. ALLAH will enrich them from His grace. ALLAH is Bounteous, Knower.

[24:33] Those who cannot afford to get married shall maintain morality until ALLAH provides for them from His grace. Those among your servants who wish to be freed in order to marry, you shall grant them their wish, once you realize that they are honest. And give them from ALLAH's money that He has bestowed upon you. You shall not force your girls to commit prostitution, seeking the materials of this world, if they wish to be chaste. If anyone forces them, then ALLAH, seeing that they are forced, is Forgiver, Merciful.

[24:34] We have revealed to you clarifying revelations, and examples from the past generations, and an enlightenment for the righteous.

[24:35] ALLAH is the light of the Heavens and the Earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self-radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. ALLAH guides to His light whoever wills (to be guided). ALLAH thus cites the parables for the people. ALLAH is fully aware of all things.

[24:36] (ALLAH's guidance is found) in houses exalted by ALLAH, for His name is commemorated therein. Glorifying Him therein, day and night -

[24:37] People who are not distracted by business or trade from commemorating ALLAH; they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they are conscious of the day when the minds and the eyes will be horrified.

[24:38] ALLAH will certainly reward them for their good works, and will shower them with His grace. ALLAH provides for whomever He wills without limits.

[24:39] As for those who disbelieve, their works are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty person thinks that it is water. But when he reaches it, he finds that it is nothing, and he finds ALLAH there instead, to requite him fully for his works. ALLAH is the most efficient reckoner.

[24:40] Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever ALLAH deprives of light, will have no light.

[24:41] Do you not realize that everyone in the Heavens and the Earth glorifies ALLAH, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. ALLAH is fully aware of everything they do.

[24:42] To ALLAH belongs the sovereignty of the Heavens and the Earth, and to ALLAH is the final destiny.

[24:43] Do you not realize that ALLAH drives the clouds, then gathers them together, then piles them on each other, then you see the rain coming out of them? He sends down from the sky loads of snow to cover whomever He wills, while diverting it from whomever He wills. The brightness of the snow almost blinds the eyes.

[24:44] ALLAH controls the night and day. This should be a lesson for those who possess eyes.

[24:45] And ALLAH created every living creature from water. Some of them walk on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. ALLAH creates whatever He wills. ALLAH is Omnipotent.

[24:46] We have sent down to you clarifying revelations, then ALLAH guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path.

[24:47] They say, "We believe in ALLAH and in the messenger, and we obey," but then some of them slide back afterwards. These are not believers.

[24:48] When they are invited to ALLAH and His messenger to judge among them, some of them get upset.

[24:49] However, if the judgment is in their favor, they readily accept it!

[24:50] Is there a disease in their hearts? Are they doubtful? Are they afraid that ALLAH and His messenger may treat them unfairly? In fact, it is they who are unjust.

[24:51] The only utterance of the believers, whenever invited to ALLAH and His messenger to judge in their affairs, is to say, "We hear and we obey." These are the winners.

[24:52] Those who obey ALLAH and His messenger, and reverence ALLAH and observe Him, these are the triumphant ones.

[24:53] They swear by ALLAH, solemnly, that if you commanded them to mobilize, they would mobilize. Say, "Do not swear. Obedience is an obligation. ALLAH is fully Cognizant of everything you do."

[24:54] Say, "Obey ALLAH, and obey the messenger." If they refuse, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. If you obey him, you will be guided. The sole duty of the messenger is to deliver (the message).

[24:55] ALLAH promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on Earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked.

[24:56] You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey the messenger, that you may attain mercy.

[24:57] Do not think that those who disbelieve will ever get away with it. Their final abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny.

[24:58] O you who believe, permission must be requested by your servants and the children who have not attained puberty (before entering your rooms). This is to be done in three instances - before the Dawn Prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the Night Prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. ALLAH thus clarifies the revelations for you. ALLAH is Omniscient, Most Wise.

[24:59] Once the children reach puberty, they must ask permission (before entering) like those who became adults before them have asked permission (before entering). ALLAH thus clarifies His revelations for you. ALLAH is Omniscient, Most Wise.

[24:60] The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. ALLAH is Hearer, Knower.

[24:61] The blind is not to be blamed, the crippled is not to be blamed, nor is the handicapped to be blamed, just as you are not to be blamed for eating at your homes, or the homes of your fathers, or the homes of your mothers, or the homes of your brothers, or the homes of your sisters, or the homes of your fathers' brothers, or the homes of your fathers' sisters, or the homes of your mothers' brothers, or the homes of your mothers' sisters, or the homes that belong to you and you possess their keys, or the homes of your friends. You commit nothing wrong by eating together or as individuals. When you enter any home, you shall greet each other a greeting from ALLAH that is blessed and good. ALLAH thus explains the revelations for you, that you may understand.

[24:62] The true believers are those who believe in ALLAH and His messenger, and when they are with him in a community meeting, they do not leave him without permission. Those who ask permission are the ones who do believe in ALLAH and His messenger. If they ask your permission, in order to tend to some of their affairs, you may grant permission to whomever you wish, and ask ALLAH to forgive them. ALLAH is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[24:63] Do not treat the messenger's requests as you treat each others' requests. ALLAH is fully aware of those among you who sneak away using flimsy excuses. Let them beware - those who disobey his orders - for a disaster may strike them, or a severe retribution.

[24:64] Absolutely, to ALLAH belongs everything in the Heavens and the Earth. He fully knows every condition you may be in. The day you are returned to Him, He will inform them of everything they had done. ALLAH is fully aware of all things.

Sura - 25 The Statute Book
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[25:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[25:1] Most blessed is the One who revealed the Statute Book to His servant, so he can serve as a warner to the whole world.

[25:2] The One to whom belongs all sovereignty of the Heavens and the Earth. He never had a son, nor does He have any partners in sovereignty. He created everything in exact measure; He precisely designed everything.

[25:3] Yet, they set up beside Him gods who do not create anything - they themselves are created - and who possess no power to even harm or benefit themselves, nor do they possess any power to control life, or death, or resurrection.

[25:4] Those who disbelieved said, "This is a fabrication that he produced, with the help of some other people." They have uttered a blasphemy and a falsehood.

[25:5] They also said, "Tales from the past that he wrote down; they were dictated to him day and night."

[25:6] Say, "This was revealed by the One who knows the Secret in the Heavens and the Earth. He is Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[25:7] And they said, "How come this messenger eats the food and walks in the markets? If only an angel could come down with him, to serve with him as a preacher!"

[25:8] Or, "If only a treasure could be given to him!" Or, "If only he could possess an orchard from which he eats!" The transgressors also said, "You are following a bewitched man."

[25:9] Note how they called you all kinds of names, and how this led them astray, never to find their way back.

[25:10] Most blessed is the One who can, if He wills, give you much better than their demands - gardens with flowing streams, and many mansions.

[25:11] In fact, they have disbelieved in the Hour (Day of Resurrection), and we have prepared for those who disbelieve in the Hour a flaming Hell.

[25:12] When it sees them from afar, they will hear its rage and fuming.

[25:13] And when they are thrown into it, through a narrow place, all shackled, they will declare their remorse.

[25:14] You will not declare just a single remorse, on that day; you will suffer through a great number of remorses.

[25:15] Say, "Is this better or the eternal Paradise that is promised for the righteous? It is their well deserved reward; a well deserved destiny."

[25:16] They get anything they wish therein, forever. This is your Lord's irrevocable promise.

[25:17] On the day when He summons them, together with the idols they had set up beside ALLAH, He will say, "Have you misled these servants of Mine, or did they go astray on their own?"

[25:18] They will say, "Be You glorified, it was not right for us to set up any lords beside You. But You allowed them to enjoy, together with their parents. Consequently, they disregarded the message and thus became wicked people."

[25:19] They have disbelieved in the message you have given them, and, consequently, you can neither protect them from the retribution they have incurred, nor can you help them in any way. Anyone among you who commits evil, we will commit him to severe retribution.

[25:20] We did not send any messengers before you who did not eat food and walk in the markets. We thus test you by each other; will you steadfastly persevere? Your Lord is Seer.

[25:21] Those who do not expect to meet us said, "If only the angels could come down to us, or we could see our Lord (we would then believe)!" Indeed, they have committed a gross arrogance, and have produced a gross blasphemy.

[25:22] The day they see the angels, it will not be good news for the guilty; they will say, "Now, we are irreversibly confined."

[25:23] We will look at all the works they have done, and render them null and void.

[25:24] The dwellers of Paradise are far better on that day; they will hear better news.

[25:25] The heaven will break apart, into masses of clouds, and the angels will descend in multitudes.

[25:26] All sovereignty on that day belongs to the Most Gracious. For the disbelievers, it will be a difficult day.

[25:27] The day will come when the transgressor will bite his hands (in anguish) and say, "Alas, I wish I had followed the path with the messenger.

[25:28] "Alas, woe to me, I wish I did not take that person as a friend.

[25:29] "He has led me away from the message after it came to me. Indeed, the devil lets down his human victims."

[25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."

[25:31] We also set up against every prophet enemies from among the guilty. Your Lord suffices as a guide, a master.

[25:32] Those who disbelieved said, "Why did not the Quran come through him all at once?" We have released it to you gradually, in order to fix it in your memory. We have recited it in a specific sequence.

[25:33] Whatever argument they come up with, we provide you with the truth, and a better understanding.

[25:34] Those who are forcibly summoned to Hell are in the worst position; they are the farthest from the right path.

[25:35] We have given Moses the scripture, and appointed his brother Aaron to be his assistant.

[25:36] We said, "Go, both of you, to the people who rejected our revelations," and subsequently, we utterly annihilated the rejectors.

[25:37] Similarly, when the people of Noah disbelieved the messengers, we drowned them, and we set them up as a sign for the people. We have prepared for the transgressors a painful retribution.

[25:38] Also `Aad, Thamoud, the inhabitants of Al-Russ, and many generations between them.

[25:39] To each of these groups, we delivered sufficient examples, before we annihilated them.

[25:40] They have passed by the community that was showered with a miserable shower (Sodom). Did they not see it? The fact is, they never believed in resurrection.

[25:41] When they saw you, they always ridiculed you: "Is this the one chosen by ALLAH to be a messenger?

[25:42] "He almost diverted us from our gods, if it were not that we steadfastly persevered with them." They will certainly find out, when they see the retribution, who are the real strayers from the path.

[25:43] Have you seen the one whose god is his own ego? Will you be his advocate?

[25:44] Do you think that most of them hear, or understand? They are just like animals; no, they are far worse.

[25:45] Have you not seen how your Lord designed the shadow? If He willed, He could have made it fixed, then we would have designed the sun accordingly.

[25:46] But we designed it to move slowly.

[25:47] He is the One who designed the night to be a cover, and for you to sleep and rest. And He made the day a resurrection.

[25:48] He is the One who sends the winds with good omens of His mercy, and we send down from the sky pure water.

[25:49] With it, we revive dead lands and provide drink for our creations - multitudes of animals and humans.

[25:50] We have distributed it among them in exact measure, that they may take heed. But most people insist upon disbelieving.

[25:51] If we willed, we could have sent to every community a warner.

[25:52] Therefore, do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with this, a great striving.

[25:53] He is the One who merges the two seas; one is fresh and palatable, while the other is salty and undrinkable. And He separated them with a formidable, inviolable barrier (evaporation).

[25:54] He is the One who created from water a human being, then made him reproduce through marriage and mating. Your Lord is Omnipotent.

[25:55] Yet, they still set up beside ALLAH idols that cannot benefit them, nor harm them. Indeed, the disbeliever is an enemy of his Lord.

[25:56] We have sent you (Rashad) as a deliverer of good news, as well as a warner.

[25:57] Say, "I do not ask you for any money. All I seek is to help you find the right path to your Lord, if this is what you choose."

[25:58] You shall put your trust in the One who is Alive - the One who never dies - and praise Him and glorify Him. He is fully Cognizant of His creatures' sins.

[25:59] He is the One who created the Heavens and the Earth, and everything between them, in six days, then assumed all authority. The Most Gracious; ask about Him those who are well founded in knowledge.

[25:60] When they are told, "Fall prostrate before the Most Gracious," they say, "What is the Most Gracious? Shall we prostrate before what you advocate?" Thus, it only augments their aversion.

[25:61] Most blessed is the One who placed constellations in the sky, and placed in it a lamp, and a shining moon.

[25:62] He is the One who designed the night and the day to alternate: a sufficient proof for those who wish to take heed, or to be appreciative.

[25:63] The worshipers of the Most Gracious are those who tread the Earth gently, and when the ignorant speak to them, they only utter peace.

[25:64] In the privacy of the night, they meditate on their Lord, and fall prostrate.

[25:65] And they say, "Our Lord, spare us the agony of Hell; its retribution is horrendous.

[25:66] "It is the worst abode; the worst destiny."

[25:67] When they give, they are neither extravagant nor stingy; they give in moderation.

[25:68] They never implore beside ALLAH any other god, nor do they kill anyone - for ALLAH has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. Nor do they commit adultery. Those who commit these offenses will have to pay.

[25:69] Retribution is doubled for them on the Day of Resurrection, and they abide therein humiliated.

[25:70] Exempted are those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life. ALLAH transforms their sins into credits. ALLAH is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[25:71] Those who repent and lead a righteous life, ALLAH redeems them; a complete redemption.

[25:72] They do not bear false witness. When they encounter vain talk, they ignore it.

[25:73] When reminded of their Lord's revelations, they never react to them as if they were deaf and blind.

[25:74] And they say, "Our Lord, let our spouses and children be a source of joy for us, and keep us in the forefront of the righteous."

[25:75] These are the ones who attain Paradise in return for their steadfastness; they are received therein with joyous greetings and peace.

[25:76] Eternally they abide therein; what a beautiful destiny; what a beautiful abode.

[25:77] Say, "You attain value at my Lord only through your worship. But if you disbelieve, you incur the inevitable consequences."

Sura - 26 The Poets
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[26:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[26:1] T. S. M. (Ta, Seen, Mim)

[26:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this clarifying scripture.

[26:3] You may blame yourself that they are not believers.

[26:4] If we will, we can send from the sky a sign that forces their necks to bow.

[26:5] Whenever a reminder from the Most Gracious comes to them, that is new, they turn away in aversion.

[26:6] Since they disbelieved, they have incurred the consequences of their heedlessness.

[26:7] Have they not seen the Earth, and how many kinds of beautiful plants we have grown thereon?

[26:8] This should be a sufficient proof for them, but most of them are not believers.

[26:9] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:10] Recall that your Lord called Moses: "Go to the transgressing people.

[26:11] "Pharaoh's people; perhaps they reform."

[26:12] He said, "My Lord, I fear lest they disbelieve me.

[26:13] "I may lose my temper. My tongue gets tied; send for my brother Aaron.

[26:14] "Also, they consider me a fugitive; I fear lest they kill me."

[26:15] He said, "No, (they will not). Go with My proofs. We will be with you, listening.

[26:16] "Go to Pharaoh and say, `We are messengers from the Lord of the universe.'

[26:17] " `Let the Children of Israel go.' "

[26:18] He said, "Did we not raise you from infancy, and you spent many years with us?

[26:19] "Then you committed the crime that you committed, and you were ungrateful."

[26:20] He said, "Indeed, I did it when I was astray.

[26:21] "Then I fled, when I feared you, and my Lord endowed me with wisdom and made me one of the messengers.

[26:22] "You are boasting that you did me a favor, while enslaving the Children of Israel!"

[26:23] Pharaoh said, "What is the Lord of the universe?"

[26:24] He said, "The Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, and everything between them. You should be certain about this."

[26:25] He said to those around him, "Did you hear this?"

[26:26] He said, "Your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors."

[26:27] He said, "Your messenger who is sent to you is crazy."

[26:28] He said, "The Lord of the east and the west, and everything between them, if you understand."

[26:29] He said, "If you accept any god, other than me, I will throw you in the prison."

[26:30] He said, "What if I show you something profound?"

[26:31] He said, "Then produce it, if you are truthful."

[26:32] He then threw his staff, whereupon it became a profound snake.

[26:33] And he took out his hand, and it was white to the beholders.

[26:34] He said to the elders around him, "This is an experienced magician.

[26:35] "He wants to take you out of your land, with his magic. What do you suggest?"

[26:36] They said, "Respite him and his brother, and send summoners to every town.

[26:37] "Let them summon every experienced magician."

[26:38] The magicians were gathered at the appointed time, on the appointed day.

[26:39] The people were told: "Come one and all; let us gather together here.

[26:40] "Maybe we will follow the magicians, if they are the winners."

[26:41] When the magicians came, they said to Pharaoh, "Do we get paid, if we are the winners?"

[26:42] He said, "Yes indeed; you will even be close to me."

[26:43] Moses said to them "Throw what you are going to throw."

[26:44] They threw their ropes and sticks, and said, "By Pharaoh's majesty, we will be the victors."

[26:45] Moses threw his staff, whereupon it swallowed what they fabricated.

[26:46] The magicians fell prostrate.

[26:47] They said, "We believe in the Lord of the universe.

[26:48] "The Lord of Moses and Aaron."

[26:49] He said, "Did you believe with him before I give you permission? He must be your teacher, who taught you magic. You will surely find out. I will sever your hands and feet on alternate sides. I will crucify you all."

[26:50] They said, "This will not change our decision; to our Lord we will return.

[26:51] "We hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins, especially that we are the first believers."

[26:52] We inspired Moses: "Travel with My servants; you will be pursued."

[26:53] Pharaoh sent to the cities callers.

[26:54] (Proclaiming,) "This is a small gang.

[26:55] "They are now opposing us.

[26:56] "Let us all beware of them."

[26:57] Consequently, we deprived them of gardens and springs.

[26:58] And treasures and an honorable position.

[26:59] Then we made it an inheritance for the Children of Israel.

[26:60] They pursued them towards the east.

[26:61] When both parties saw each other, Moses' people said, "We will be caught."

[26:62] He said, "No way. My Lord is with me; He will guide me."

[26:63] We then inspired Moses: "Strike the sea with your staff," whereupon it parted. Each part was like a great hill.

[26:64] We then delivered them all.

[26:65] We thus saved Moses and all those who were with him.

[26:66] And we drowned the others.

[26:67] This should be a sufficient proof, but most people are not believers.

[26:68] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:69] Narrate to them Abraham's history.

[26:70] He said to his father and his people, "What is this you are worshipping?"

[26:71] They said, "We worship statues; we are totally devoted to them."

[26:72] He said, "Can they hear you when you implore?

[26:73] "Can they benefit you, or harm you?"

[26:74] They said, "No; but we found our parents doing this."

[26:75] He said, "Do you see these idols that you worship.

[26:76] "You and your ancestors.

[26:77] "I am against them, for I am devoted only to the Lord of the universe.

[26:78] "The One who created me, and guided me.

[26:79] "The One who feeds me and waters me.

[26:80] "And when I get sick, He heals me.

[26:81] "The One who puts me to death, then brings me back to life.

[26:82] "The One who hopefully will forgive my sins on the Day of Judgment.

[26:83] "My Lord, grant me wisdom, and include me with the righteous.

[26:84] "Let the example I set for the future generations be a good one.

[26:85] "Make me one of the inheritors of the blissful Paradise.

[26:86] "And forgive my father, for he has gone astray.

[26:87] "And do not forsake me on the Day of Resurrection."

[26:88] That is the day when neither money, nor children, can help.

[26:89] Only those who come to ALLAH with their whole heart (will be saved).

[26:90] Paradise will be presented to the righteous.

[26:91] Hell will be set up for the strayers.

[26:92] They will be asked, "Where are the idols you had worshipped

[26:93] "beside ALLAH? Can they help you now? Can they help themselves?"

[26:94] They will be thrown therein, together with the strayers.

[26:95] And all of Satan's soldiers.

[26:96] They will say as they feud therein,

[26:97] "By ALLAH, we were far astray.

[26:98] "How could we set you up to rank with the Lord of the universe?

[26:99] "Those who misled us were wicked.

[26:100] "Now we have no intercessors.

[26:101] "Nor a single close friend.

[26:102] "If only we could get another chance, we would then believe."

[26:103] This should be a good lesson. But most people are not believers.

[26:104] Your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:105] The people of Noah disbelieved the messengers.

[26:106] Their brother Noah said to them, "Would you not be righteous?

[26:107] "I am an honest messenger to you.

[26:108] "You shall reverence ALLAH and obey me.

[26:109] "I do not ask you for any wage. My wage comes from the Lord of the universe.

[26:110] "You shall reverence ALLAH and obey me."

[26:111] They said, "How can we believe with you, when the worst among us have followed you?"

[26:112] He said, "How do I know what they did?

[26:113] "Their judgment rests only with my Lord, if you could perceive.

[26:114] "I will never dismiss the believers.

[26:115] "I am no more than a clarifying warner."

[26:116] They said, "Unless you refrain, O Noah, you will be stoned."

[26:117] He said, "My Lord, my people have disbelieved me.

[26:118] "Grant me victory against them, and deliver me and my company of believers."

[26:119] We delivered him and those who accompanied him in the loaded ark.

[26:120] Then we drowned the others.

[26:121] This should be a lesson, but most people are not believers.

[26:122] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:123] `Aad disbelieved the messengers.

[26:124] Their brother Hood said to them, "Would you not be righteous?

[26:125] "I am an honest messenger to you.

[26:126] "You shall reverence ALLAH, and obey me.

[26:127] "I do not ask you for any wage; my wage comes from the Lord of the universe.

[26:128] "You build on every hill a mansion for vanity's sake.

[26:129] "You set up buildings as if you last forever.

[26:130] "And when you strike, you strike mercilessly.

[26:131] "You shall reverence ALLAH and obey me.

[26:132] "Reverence the One who provided you with all the things you know.

[26:133] "He provided you with livestock and children.

[26:134] "And gardens and springs.

[26:135] "I fear for you the retribution of an awesome day."

[26:136] They said, "It is the same whether you preach, or do not preach.

[26:137] "That affliction was limited to our ancestors.

[26:138] "No retribution will ever befall us."

[26:139] They thus disbelieved and, consequently, we annihilated them. This should be a lesson, but most people are not believers.

[26:140] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:141] Thamoud disbelieved the messengers.

[26:142] Their brother Saaleh said to them, "Would you not be righteous?

[26:143] "I am an honest messenger to you.

[26:144] "You shall reverence ALLAH, and obey me.

[26:145] "I do not ask you for any wage; my wage comes only from the Lord of the universe.

[26:146] "Do you suppose you will be left forever, secure in this state?

[26:147] "You enjoy gardens and springs.

[26:148] "And crops and date palms with delicious fruits.

[26:149] "You carve out of the mountains luxurious mansions.

[26:150] "You shall reverence ALLAH, and obey me.

[26:151] "Do not obey the transgressors.

[26:152] "Who commit evil, not good works."

[26:153] They said, "You are bewitched.

[26:154] "You are no more than a human like us. Produce a miracle, if you are truthful."

[26:155] He said, "Here is a camel that will drink only on a day that is assigned to her; a day that is different from your specified days of drinking.

[26:156] "Do not touch her with any harm, lest you incur retribution on an awesome day."

[26:157] They slaughtered her, and thus incurred sorrow.

[26:158] The retribution overwhelmed them. This should be a lesson, but most people are not believers.

[26:159] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:160] The people of Lot disbelieved the messengers.

[26:161] Their brother Lot said to them, "Would you not be righteous?

[26:162] "I am an honest messenger to you.

[26:163] "You shall reverence ALLAH, and obey me.

[26:164] "I do not ask you for any wage; my wage comes only from the Lord of the universe.

[26:165] "Do you have sex with the males, of all the people?

[26:166] "You forsake the wives that your Lord has created for you! Indeed, you are transgressing people."

[26:167] They said, "Unless you refrain, O Lot, you will be banished."

[26:168] He said, "I deplore your actions."

[26:169] "My Lord, save me and my family from their works."

[26:170] We saved him and all his family.

[26:171] But not the old woman; she was doomed.

[26:172] We then destroyed the others.

[26:173] We showered them with a miserable shower; what a terrible shower for those who had been warned!

[26:174] This should be a lesson, but most people are not believers.

[26:175] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:176] The People of the Woods disbelieved the messengers.

[26:177] Shu`aib said to them, "Would you not be righteous?

[26:178] "I am an honest messenger to you.

[26:179] "You shall reverence ALLAH, and obey me.

[26:180] "I do not ask you for any wage; my wage comes only from the Lord of the universe.

[26:181] "You shall give full measure when you trade; do not cheat.

[26:182] "You shall weigh with an equitable scale.

[26:183] "Do not cheat the people out of their rights, and do not roam the Earth corruptingly.

[26:184] "Reverence the One who created you and the previous generations."

[26:185] They said, "You are bewitched.

[26:186] "You are no more than a human being like us. In fact, we think you are a liar.

[26:187] "Let masses from the sky fall on us, if you are truthful."

[26:188] He said, "My Lord is the One who knows everything you do."

[26:189] They disbelieved him and, consequently, they incurred the retribution of the Day of the Canopy. It was the retribution of an awesome day.

[26:190] This should be a lesson, but most people are not believers.

[26:191] Most assuredly, your Lord is the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:192] This is a revelation from the Lord of the universe.

[26:193] The Honest Spirit (Gabriel) came down with it.

[26:194] To reveal it into your heart, that you may be one of the warners.

[26:195] In a perfect Arabic tongue.

[26:196] It has been prophesied in the books of previous generations.

[26:197] Is it not a sufficient sign for them that it was known to the scholars among the Children of Israel?

[26:198] If we revealed this to people who do not know Arabic.

[26:199] And had him recite it (in Arabic), they could not possibly believe in it.

[26:200] We thus render it (like a foreign language) in the hearts of the guilty.

[26:201] Thus, they cannot believe in it; not until they see the painful retribution.

[26:202] It will come to them suddenly, when they least expect it.

[26:203] They will then say, "Can we have a respite?"

[26:204] Did they not challenge our retribution?

[26:205] As you see, we allowed them to enjoy for years.

[26:206] Then the retribution came to them, just as promised.

[26:207] Their vast resources did not help them in the least.

[26:208] We never annihilate any community without sending warners.

[26:209] Therefore, this is a reminder, for we are never unjust.

[26:210] The devils can never reveal this.

[26:211] They neither would, nor could.

[26:212] For they are prevented from hearing.

[26:213] Therefore, do not idolize beside ALLAH any other god, lest you incur the retribution.

[26:214] You shall preach to the people who are closest to you.

[26:215] And lower your wing for the believers who follow you.

[26:216] If they disobey you, then say, "I disown what you do."

[26:217] And put your trust in the Almighty, Most Merciful.

[26:218] Who sees you when you meditate during the night.

[26:219] And your frequent prostrations.

[26:220] He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[26:221] Shall I inform you upon whom the devils descend?

[26:222] They descend upon every guilty fabricator.

[26:223] They pretend to listen, but most of them are liars.

[26:224] As for the poets, they are followed only by the strayers.

[26:225] Do you not see that their loyalty shifts according to the situation?

[26:226] And that they say what they do not do?

[26:227] Exempted are those who believe, lead a righteous life, commemorate ALLAH frequently, and stand up for their rights. Surely, the transgressors will find out what their ultimate destiny is.

Sura - 27 The Ant
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[27:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[27:1] T. S. These (letters) constitute proofs of the Quran; a profound scripture.

[27:2] A beacon, and good news, for the believers.

[27:3] Who observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they are, with regard to the Hereafter, absolutely certain.

[27:4] Those who do not believe in the Hereafter, we adorn their works in their eyes. Thus, they continue to blunder.

[27:5] It is these who incur the worst retribution, and in the Hereafter, they will be the worst losers.

[27:6] Surely, you are receiving the Quran from a Most Wise, Omniscient.

[27:7] Recall that Moses said to his family, "I see a fire; let me bring you news therefrom, or a torch to warm you."

[27:8] When he came to it, he was called: "Blessed is the One (who is speaking from) within the fire, and those around it." Glory be to ALLAH, Lord of the universe.

[27:9] "O Moses, this is Me, ALLAH, the Almighty, Most Wise.

[27:10] "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, do not be afraid. My messengers shall not fear.

[27:11] "Except those who commit a transgression, then substitute righteousness after sinning; I am Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[27:12] "Put your hand in your pocket; it will come out white, without a blemish. These are among nine miracles to Pharaoh and his people, for they are wicked people."

[27:13] When our miracles were presented to them, clear and profound, they said, "This is obviously magic."

[27:14] They rejected them and were utterly convinced of their wrong ways, due to their arrogance. Note the consequences for the evildoers.

[27:15] We endowed David and Solomon with knowledge, and they said, "Praise ALLAH for blessing us more than many of His believing servants."

[27:16] Solomon was David's heir. He said, "O people, we have been endowed with understanding the language of the birds, and all kinds of things have been bestowed upon us. This is indeed a real blessing."

[27:17] Mobilized in the service of Solomon were his obedient soldiers of jinns and humans, as well as the birds; all at his disposal.

[27:18] When they approached the valley of the ants, one ant said, "O you ants, go into your homes, lest you get crushed by Solomon and his soldiers, without perceiving."

[27:19] He smiled and laughed at her statement, and said, "My Lord, direct me to be appreciative of the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my parents, and to do the righteous works that please You. Admit me by Your mercy into the company of Your righteous servants."

[27:20] He inspected the birds, and noted: "Why do I not see the hoopoe? Why is he missing?

[27:21] "I will punish him severely or sacrifice him, unless he gives me a good excuse."

[27:22] He did not wait for long. (The hoopoe) said, "I have news that you do not have. I brought to you from Sheba, some important information.

[27:23] "I found a woman ruling them, who is blessed with everything, and possesses a tremendous palace.

[27:24] "I found her and her people prostrating before the sun, instead of ALLAH. The devil has adorned their works in their eyes, and has repulsed them from the path; consequently, they are not guided."

[27:25] They should have been prostrating before ALLAH, the One who manifests all the mysteries in the Heavens and the Earth, and the One who knows everything you conceal and everything you declare.

[27:26] ALLAH: there is no other god beside Him; the Lord with the great dominion.

[27:27] (Solomon) said, "We will see if you told the truth, or if you are a liar.

[27:28] "Take this letter from me, give it to them, then watch for their response."

[27:29] She said, "O my advisers, I have received an honorable letter.

[27:30] "It is from Solomon, and it is, `In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.'

[27:31] "Proclaiming: `Do not be arrogant; come to me as submitters.' "

[27:32] She said, "O my advisers, counsel me in this matter. I am not deciding anything until you advise me."

[27:33] They said, "We possess the power, we possess the fighting skills, and the ultimate command is in your hand. You decide what to do."

[27:34] She said, "The kings corrupt any land they invade, and subjugate its dignified people. This is what they usually do.

[27:35] "I am sending a gift to them; let us see what the messengers come back with."

[27:36] When the hoopoe returned to Solomon (he told him the news), and he responded (to Sheba's people): "Are you giving me money? What ALLAH has given me is far better than what He has given you. You are the ones to rejoice in such gifts."

[27:37] (To the hoopoe, he said,) "Go back to them (and let them know that) we will come to them with forces they cannot imagine. We will evict them, humiliated and debased."

[27:38] He said, "O you elders, which of you can bring me her mansion, before they arrive here as submitters?"

[27:39] One afrit from the jinns said, "I can bring it to you before you stand up. I am powerful enough to do this."

[27:40] The one who possessed knowledge from the book said, "I can bring it to you in the blink of your eye." When he saw it settled in front of him, he said, "This is a blessing from my Lord, whereby He tests me, to show whether I am appreciative or unappreciative. Whoever is appreciative is appreciative for his own good, and if one turns unappreciative, then my Lord is in no need for him, Most Honorable."

[27:41] He said, "Remodel her mansion for her. Let us see if she will be guided, or continue with the misguided."

[27:42] When she arrived, she was asked, "Does your mansion look like this?" She said, "It seems that this is it." (Solomon said,) "We knew beforehand what she was going to do, and we were already submitters."

[27:43] She had been diverted by worshipping idols instead of ALLAH; she belonged to disbelieving people.

[27:44] She was told, "Go inside the palace." When she saw its interior, she thought it was a pool of water, and she (pulled up her dress,) exposing her legs. He said, "This interior is now paved with crystal." She said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. I now submit with Solomon to ALLAH, Lord of the universe."

[27:45] We have sent to Thamoud their brother Saaleh, saying, "You shall worship ALLAH." But they turned into two feuding factions.

[27:46] He said, "O my people, why do you hasten to commit evil instead of good works? If only you implore ALLAH for forgiveness, you may attain mercy."

[27:47] They said, "We consider you a bad omen for us, you and those who joined you." He said, "Your omen is fully controlled by ALLAH. Indeed, you are deviant people."

[27:48] There were nine gangsters in the city who were wicked, and never did anything good.

[27:49] They said, "Let us swear by ALLAH that we kill him and his people, then tell his tribe, `We know nothing about their death. We are truthful.' "

[27:50] They plotted and schemed, but we also plotted and schemed, while they did not perceive.

[27:51] Note the consequences of their plotting; we annihilated them and all their people.

[27:52] Here are their homes utterly ruined, because of their transgression. This should be a lesson for people who know.

[27:53] We save those who believe and lead a righteous life.

[27:54] Lot said to his people, "How could you commit such an abomination, publicly, while you see?

[27:55] "You practice sex with the men, lustfully, instead of the women. Indeed, you are ignorant people."

[27:56] The only response from his people was their saying, "Banish Lot's family from your town; they are people who wish to be pure."

[27:57] Consequently, we saved him and his family, except his wife; we counted her among the doomed.

[27:58] We showered them with a certain shower. It was a miserable shower upon people who had been warned.

[27:59] Say, "Praise be to ALLAH and peace be upon His servants whom He chose. Is ALLAH better, or the idols some people set up?"

[27:60] Who is the One who created the Heavens and the Earth? Who is the One who sends down to you from the sky water, whereby we produce gardens full of beauty - you could not possibly manufacture its trees? Is it another god with ALLAH? Indeed, they are people who have deviated.

[27:61] Who is the One who made the Earth habitable, caused rivers to run through it, placed on it mountains, and created a barrier between the two waters? Is it another god with ALLAH? Indeed, most of them do not know.

[27:62] Who is the One who rescues those who become desperate and call upon Him, relieves adversity, and makes you inheritors of the Earth? Is it another god with ALLAH? Rarely do you take heed.

[27:63] Who is the One who guides you in the darkness of land and sea? Who is the One who sends the winds with good news, signaling His mercy? Is it another god with ALLAH? Most exalted is ALLAH, above having any partner.

[27:64] Who is the One who initiates the creation, then repeats it? Who is the One who provides for you from the heaven and the Earth? Is it another god with ALLAH? Say, "Show me your proof, if you are truthful."

[27:65] Say, "No one in the Heavens and the Earth knows the future except ALLAH. They do not even perceive how or when they will be resurrected."

[27:66] In fact, their knowledge concerning the Hereafter is confused. In fact, they harbor doubts about it. In fact, they are totally heedless thereof.

[27:67] Those who disbelieved said, "After we turn into dust, and also our parents, do we get brought out?

[27:68] "We have been given the same promise in the past. These are nothing but tales from the past."

[27:69] Say, "Roam the Earth and note the consequences for the guilty."

[27:70] Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their scheming.

[27:71] They say, "When will that promise come to pass, if you are truthful?"

[27:72] Say, "You are already suffering some of the retribution you challenge."

[27:73] Your Lord is full of grace towards the people, but most of them are unappreciative.

[27:74] Your Lord fully knows what their chests hide, and what they declare.

[27:75] There is nothing in the Heavens and the Earth that is hidden (from ALLAH); everything is in a profound record.

[27:76] This Quran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing.

[27:77] And most assuredly, it is a guide and mercy for the believers.

[27:78] Your Lord is the One who judges among them in accordance with His rules. He is the Almighty, the Omniscient.

[27:79] Therefore, put your trust in ALLAH; you are following the manifest truth.

[27:80] You cannot make the dead, nor the deaf, hear the call, if they turn away.

[27:81] Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. The only ones who will hear you are those who believe in our revelations, and decide to be submitters.

[27:82] At the right time, we will produce for them a creature, made of earthly materials, declaring that the people are not certain about our revelations.

[27:83] The day will come when we summon from every community some of those who did not believe in our proofs, forcibly.

[27:84] When they arrive, He will say, "You have rejected My revelations, before acquiring knowledge about them. Is this not what you did?"

[27:85] They will incur the requital for their wickedness; they will say nothing.

[27:86] Have they not seen that we made the night for their rest, and the day lighted? These should be sufficient proofs for people who believe.

[27:87] On the day when the horn is blown, everyone in the Heavens and the Earth will be horrified, except those chosen by ALLAH. All will come before Him, forcibly.

[27:88] When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds. Such is the manufacture of ALLAH, who perfected everything. He is fully Cognizant of everything you do.

[27:89] Those who bring good works (in their records) will receive far better rewards, and they will be perfectly secure from the horrors of that day.

[27:90] As for those who bring evil works, they will be forced into Hell. Do you not get requited for what you did?

[27:91] I am simply commanded to worship the Lord of this town - He has made it a safe sanctuary - and He possesses all things. I am commanded to be a submitter.

[27:92] And to recite the Quran. Whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and if they go astray, then say, "I am simply a warner."

[27:93] And say, "Praise be to ALLAH; He will show you His proofs, until you recognize them. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do."

Sura - 28 History
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[28:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[28:1] T. S. M.

[28:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this profound book.

[28:3] We recite to you herein some history of Moses and Pharaoh, truthfully, for the benefit of people who believe.

[28:4] Pharaoh turned into a tyrant on Earth, and discriminated against some people. He persecuted a helpless group of them, slaughtering their sons, while sparing their daughters. He was indeed wicked.

[28:5] We willed to compensate those who were oppressed on Earth, and to turn them into leaders, and make them the inheritors.

[28:6] And to establish them on Earth, and to give Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops a taste of their own medicine.

[28:7] We inspired Moses' mother: "Nurse him, and when you fear for his life, throw him into the river without fear or grief. We will return him to you, and will make him one of the messengers."

[28:8] Pharaoh's family picked him up, only to have him lead the opposition and to be a source of grief for them. That is because Pharaoh, Hamaan, and their troops were transgressors.

[28:9] Pharaoh's wife said, "This can be a joyous find for me and you. Do not kill him, for he may be of some benefit for us, or we may adopt him to be our son." They had no idea.

[28:10] The mind of Moses' mother was growing so anxious that she almost gave away his identity. But we strengthened her heart, to make her a believer.

[28:11] She said to his sister, "Trace his path." She watched him from afar, while they did not perceive.

[28:12] We forbade him from accepting all the nursing mothers. (His sister) then said, "I can show you a family that can raise him for you, and take good care of him."

[28:13] Thus, we restored him to his mother, in order to please her, remove her worries, and to let her know that ALLAH's promise is the truth. However, most of them do not know.

[28:14] When he reached maturity and strength, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous.

[28:15] Once he entered the city unexpectedly, without being recognized by the people. He found two men fighting; one was (a Hebrew) from his people, and the other was (an Egyptian) from his enemies. The one from his people called on him for help against his enemy. Moses punched him, killing him. He said, "This is the work of the devil; he is a real enemy, and a profound misleader."

[28:16] He said, "My Lord, I have wronged my soul. Please forgive me," and He forgave him. He is the Forgiver, Most Merciful.

[28:17] He said, "My Lord, in return for Your blessings upon me, I will never be a supporter of the guilty ones."

[28:18] In the morning, he was in the city, afraid and watchful. The one who sought his help yesterday, asked for his help again. Moses said to him, "You are really a trouble maker."

[28:19] Before he attempted to strike their common enemy, he said, "O Moses, do you want to kill me, as you killed the other man yesterday? Obviously, you wish to be a tyrant on Earth; you do not wish to be righteous."

[28:20] A man came running from the other side of the city, saying, "O Moses, the people are plotting to kill you. You better leave immediately. I am giving you good advice."

[28:21] He fled the city, afraid and watchful. He said, "My Lord, save me from the oppressive people."

[28:22] As he traveled towards Midyan, he said, "May my Lord guide me in the right path."

[28:23] When he reached Midyan's water, he found a crowd of people watering, and noticed two women waiting on the side. He said, "What is it that you need?" They said, "We are not able to water, until the crowd disperses, and our father is an old man."

[28:24] He watered for them, then turned to the shade, saying, "My Lord, whatever provision you send to me, I am in dire need for it."

[28:25] Soon, one of the two women approached him, shyly, and said, "My father invites you to pay you for watering for us." When he met him, and told him his story, he said, "Have no fear. You have been saved from the oppressive people."

[28:26] One of the two women said, "O my father, hire him. He is the best one to hire, for he is strong and honest."

[28:27] He said, "I wish to offer one of my two daughters for you to marry, in return for working for me for eight pilgrimages; if you make them ten, it will be voluntary on your part. I do not wish to make this matter too difficult for you. You will find me, ALLAH willing, righteous."

[28:28] He said, "It is an agreement between me and you. Whichever period I fulfill, you will not be averse to either one. ALLAH is the guarantor of what we said."

[28:29] When he had fulfilled his obligation, he traveled with his family (towards Egypt). He saw from the slope of Mount Sinai a fire. He said to his family, "Stay here. I have seen a fire. Maybe I can bring to you news, or a portion of the fire to warm you."

[28:30] When he reached it, he was called from the edge of the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot where the burning bush was located: "O Moses, this is Me. ALLAH; Lord of the universe.

[28:31] "Throw down your staff." When he saw it moving like a demon, he turned around and fled. "O Moses, come back; do not be afraid. You are perfectly safe.

[28:32] "Put your hand into your pocket; it will come out white without a blemish. Fold your wings and settle down from your fear. These are two proofs from your Lord, to be shown to Pharaoh and his elders; they have been wicked people."

[28:33] He said, "My Lord, I killed one of them, and I fear lest they kill me.

[28:34] "Also, my brother Aaron is more eloquent than I. Send him with me as a helper to confirm and strengthen me. I fear lest they disbelieve me."

[28:35] He said, "We will strengthen you with your brother, and we will provide you both with manifest authority. Thus, they will not be able to touch either one of you. With our miracles, the two of you, together with those who follow you, will be the victors."

[28:36] When Moses went to them with our proofs, clear and profound, they said, "This is fabricated magic. We have never heard of this from our ancient ancestors."

[28:37] Moses said, "My Lord knows best who brought the guidance from Him, and who will be the ultimate victors. Surely, the transgressors never succeed."

[28:38] Pharaoh said, "O you elders, I have not known of any god for you other than me. Therefore, fire the adobe, O Hamaan, in order to build a tower, that I may take a look at the god of Moses. I am sure that he is a liar."

[28:39] Thus, he and his troops continued to commit arrogance on Earth, without any right, and thought that they would not be returned to us.

[28:40] Consequently, we punished him and his troops, by throwing them into the sea. Note the consequences for the transgressors.

[28:41] We made them imams who led their people to Hell. Furthermore, on the Day of Resurrection, they will have no help.

[28:42] They incurred in this life condemnation, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be despised.

[28:43] We gave Moses the scripture - after having annihilated the previous generations, and after setting the examples through them - to provide enlightenment for the people, and guidance, and mercy, that they may take heed.

[28:44] You were not present on the slope of the western mount, when we issued the command to Moses; you were not a witness.

[28:45] But we established many generations, and, because of the length of time, (they deviated). Nor were you among the people of Midyan, reciting our revelations to them. But we did send messengers.

[28:46] Nor were you on the slope of Mount Sinai when we called (Moses). But it is mercy from your Lord, (towards the people,) in order to warn people who received no warner before you, that they may take heed.

[28:47] Thus, they cannot say, when a disaster strikes them as a consequence of their own deeds, "Our Lord, had You sent a messenger to us, we would have followed Your revelations, and would have been believers."

[28:48] Now that the truth has come to them from us, they said, "If only we could be given what was given to Moses!" Did they not disbelieve in what was given to Moses in the past? They said, "Both (scriptures) are works of magic that copied one another." They also said, "We are disbelievers in both of them."

[28:49] Say, "Then produce a scripture from ALLAH with better guidance than the two, so I can follow it, if you are truthful."

[28:50] If they fail to respond to you, then know that they follow only their own opinions. Who is farther astray than those who follow their own opinions, without guidance from ALLAH? ALLAH does not guide such wicked people.

[28:51] We have delivered the message to them, that they may take heed.

[28:52] Those whom we blessed with the previous scriptures will believe in this.

[28:53] When it is recited to them, they will say, "We believe in it. This is the truth from our Lord. Even before we heard of it, we were submitters."

[28:54] To these we grant twice the reward, because they steadfastly persevere. They counter evil works with good works, and from our provisions to them, they give.

[28:55] When they come across vain talk, they disregard it and say, "We are responsible for our deeds, and you are responsible for your deeds. Peace be upon you. We do not wish to behave like the ignorant ones."

[28:56] You cannot guide the ones you love. ALLAH is the only One who guides in accordance with His will, and in accordance with His knowledge of those who deserve the guidance.

[28:57] They said, "If we follow your guidance, we will suffer persecution." Did we not establish for them a Sacred Sanctuary, to which all kinds of fruits are offered, as a provision from us? Indeed, most of them do not know.

[28:58] Many a community we annihilated for turning unappreciative of their lives. Consequently, here are their homes, nothing but uninhabited ruins after them, except a few. We were the inheritors.

[28:59] For your Lord never annihilates any community without sending a messenger in the midst thereof, to recite our revelations to them. We never annihilate any community, unless its people are wicked.

[28:60] Everything that is given to you is only the material of this life, and its vanity. What is with ALLAH is far better, and everlasting. Do you not understand?

[28:61] Is one whom we promised a good promise that will surely come to pass, equal to one whom we provide with the temporary materials of this life, then suffers eternal doom on the Day of Resurrection?

[28:62] The day will come when He calls upon them, saying, "Where are those idols you had set up beside Me?"

[28:63] Those who incurred the judgment will say, "Our Lord, these are the ones we misled; we misled them only because we ourselves had gone astray. We now devote ourselves totally to You. They were not really worshipping us."

[28:64] It will be said, "Call upon your idols (to help you)." They will call upon them, but they will not respond. They will suffer the retribution, and wish that they were guided!

[28:65] On that day, He will ask everyone, "How did you respond to the messengers?"

[28:66] They will be so stunned by the facts on that day, they will be speechless.

[28:67] As for those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life, they will end up with the winners.

[28:68] Your Lord is the One who creates whatever He wills, and chooses; no one else does any choosing. Glory be to ALLAH, the Most Exalted. He is far above needing partners.

[28:69] Your Lord knows the innermost thoughts hidden in their chests, as well as everything they declare.

[28:70] He is the one ALLAH; there is no other god beside Him. To Him belongs all praise in this first life, and in the Hereafter. All judgment belongs with Him, and to Him you will be returned.

[28:71] Say, "What if ALLAH made the night perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than ALLAH, can provide you with light? Do you not hear?"

[28:72] Say, "What if ALLAH made the daylight perpetual, until the Day of Resurrection? Which god, other than ALLAH, can provide you with a night for your rest? Do you not see?"

[28:73] It is mercy from Him that He created for you the night and the day in order to rest (during the night), then seek His provisions (during the day), that you may be appreciative.

[28:74] The day will come when He asks them, "Where are the idols you had fabricated to rank with Me?"

[28:75] We will select from every community a witness, then say, "Present your proof." They will realize then that all truth belongs with ALLAH, while the idols they had fabricated will abandon them.

[28:76] Qaaroon (the slave driver) was one of Moses' people who betrayed them and oppressed them. We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof were almost too heavy for the strongest hand. His people said to him, "Do not be so arrogant; ALLAH does not love those who are arrogant.

[28:77] "Use the provisions bestowed upon you by ALLAH to seek the abode of the Hereafter, without neglecting your share in this world. Be charitable, as ALLAH has been charitable towards you. Do not keep on corrupting the Earth. ALLAH does not love the corruptors."

[28:78] He said, "I attained all this because of my own cleverness." Did he not realize that ALLAH had annihilated before him generations that were much stronger than he, and greater in number? The (annihilated) transgressors were not asked about their crimes.

[28:79] One day, he came out to his people in full splendor. Those who preferred this worldly life said, "Oh, we wish that we possessed what Qaaroon has attained. Indeed, he is very fortunate."

[28:80] As for those who were blessed with knowledge, they said, "Woe to you, ALLAH's recompense is far better for those who believe and lead a righteous life." None attains this except the steadfast.

[28:81] We then caused the Earth to swallow him and his mansion. No army could have helped him against ALLAH; he was not destined to be a winner.

[28:82] Those who were envious of him the day before said, "Now we realize that ALLAH is the One who provides for whomever He chooses from among His servants, and withholds. If it were not for ALLAH's grace towards us, He could have caused the Earth to swallow us too. We now realize that the disbelievers never succeed."

[28:83] We reserve the abode of the Hereafter for those who do not seek exaltation on earth, nor corruption. The ultimate victory belongs to the righteous.

[28:84] Whoever works righteousness receives a far better reward. As for those who commit sins, the retribution for their sins is precisely equivalent to their works.

[28:85] Surely, the One who decreed the Quran for you will summon you to a predetermined appointment. Say, "My Lord is fully aware of those who uphold the guidance, and those who have gone astray."

[28:86] You never expected this scripture to come your way; but this is a mercy from your Lord. Therefore, you shall not side with the disbelievers.

[28:87] Nor shall you be diverted from ALLAH's revelations, after they have come to you, and invite the others to your Lord. And do not ever fall into idol worship.

[28:88] You shall not worship beside ALLAH any other god. There is no other god beside Him. Everything perishes except His presence. To Him belongs all sovereignty, and to Him you will be returned.

Sura - 29 The Spider
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[29:0] In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[29:1] A. L. M.

[29:2] Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe," without being put to the test?

[29:3] We have tested those before them, for ALLAH must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must expose the liars.

[29:4] Do those who commit sins think that they can ever fool us? Wrong indeed is their judgment.

[29:5] Anyone hoping to meet ALLAH, (should know that) such a meeting with ALLAH will most assuredly come to pass. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[29:6] Those who strive, strive for their own good. ALLAH is in no need of anyone.

[29:7] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will certainly remit their sins, and will certainly reward them generously for their righteous works.

[29:8] We enjoined the human being to honor his parents. But if they try to force you to set up idols beside Me, do not obey them. To Me is your ultimate return, then I will inform you of everything you had done.

[29:9] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will certainly admit them with the righteous.

[29:10] Among the people there are those who say, "We believe in ALLAH," but as soon as they suffer any hardship because of ALLAH, they equate the people's persecution with ALLAH's retribution. But if blessings from your Lord come your way, they say, "We were with you." Is ALLAH not fully aware of the people's innermost thoughts?

[29:11] ALLAH will most certainly distinguish those who believe, and He will most certainly expose the hypocrites.

[29:12] Those who disbelieved said to those who believed, "If you follow our way, we will be responsible for your sins." Not true; they cannot bear any of their sins. They are liars.

[29:13] In fact, they will carry their own sins, in addition to loads of other people's sins for which they were responsible. Most certainly, they will be asked on the Day of Resurrection about their false claims.

[29:14] We sent Noah to his people, and he stayed with them one thousand years, less fifty. Subsequently, they incurred the flood because of their transgressions.

[29:15] We saved him and those who accompanied him in the ark, and we set it up as a lesson for all the people.

[29:16] Abraham said to his people, "You shall worship ALLAH, and reverence Him. This is better for you, if you only knew.

[29:17] "What you worship instead of ALLAH are powerless idols; you have invented a lie." The idols you worship beside ALLAH do not possess any provisions for you. Therefore, you shall seek provisions only from ALLAH. You shall worship Him alone, and be appreciative of Him; to Him is your ultimate return.

[29:18] If you disbelieve, generations before you have also disbelieved. The sole function of the messenger is to deliver (the message).

[29:19] Have they not seen how ALLAH initiates the creation, then repeats it? This is easy for ALLAH to do.

[29:20] Say, "Roam the Earth and find out the origin of life." For ALLAH will thus initiate the creation in the Hereafter. ALLAH is Omnipotent.

[29:21] He condemns to retribution whomever He wills, and showers His mercy upon whomever He wills. Ultimately, to Him you will be turned over.

[29:22] None of you can escape from these facts, on Earth or in the heaven, and you have none beside ALLAH as a Lord and Master.

[29:23] Those who disbelieve in ALLAH's revelations, and in meeting Him, have despaired from My mercy. They have incurred a painful retribution.

[29:24] The only response from his people was their saying, "Kill him, or burn him." But ALLAH saved him from the fire. This should provide lessons for people who believe.

[29:25] He said, "You worship beside ALLAH powerless idols due to peer pressure, just to preserve some friendship among you in this worldly life. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will disown one another, and curse one another. Your destiny is Hell, wherein you cannot help one another."

[29:26] Lot believed with him and said, "I am emigrating to my Lord. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise."

[29:27] We granted him Isaac and Jacob, we assigned to his descendants prophethood and the scriptures, we endowed him with his due recompense in this life, and in the Hereafter he will surely be with the righteous.

[29:28] Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination, no one in the world has ever done it before you.

[29:29] "You practice sex with the men, you commit highway robbery, and you allow all kinds of vice in your society." The only response from his people was to say, "Bring to us ALLAH's retribution, if you are truthful."

[29:30] He said, "My Lord, grant me victory over these wicked people."

[29:31] When our messengers went to Abraham with good news (about Isaac's birth), they also said, "We are on our way to annihilate the people of that town (Sodom), for its people have been wicked."

[29:32] He said, "But Lot is living there." They said, "We are fully aware of everyone who lives in it. We will of course save him and his family, except his wife; she is doomed."

[29:33] When our messengers arrived at Lot's place, they were mistreated, and he was embarrassed by their presence. But they said, "Have no fear, and do not worry. We will save you and your family, except your wife; she is doomed.

[29:34] "We will pour upon the people of this town a disaster from the sky, as a consequence of their wickedness."

[29:35] We left standing some of their ruins, to serve as a profound lesson for people who understand.

[29:36] To Midyan we sent their brother Shu`aib. He said, "O my people, you shall worship ALLAH and seek the Last Day, and do not roam the Earth corruptingly."

[29:37] They disbelieved him and, consequently, the Earthquake annihilated them; they were left dead in their homes by morning.

[29:38] Similarly, 'Aad and Thamoud (were annihilated). This is made manifest to you through their ruins. The devil had adorned their works in their eyes, and had diverted them from the path, even though they had eyes.

[29:39] Also Qaaroon, Pharaoh, and Hamaan; Moses went to them with clear signs. But they continued to commit tyranny on Earth. Consequently, they could not evade (the retribution).

[29:40] All those disbelievers were doomed as a consequence of their sins. Some of them we annihilated by violent winds, some were annihilated by the quake, some we caused the earth to swallow, and some we drowned. ALLAH is not the One who wronged them; it is they who wronged their own souls.

[29:41] The allegory of those who accept other masters beside ALLAH is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.

[29:42] ALLAH knows full well that whatever they worship beside Him are really nothing. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.

[29:43] We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable.

[29:44] ALLAH created the Heavens and the Earth, truthfully. This provides a sufficient proof for the believers.

[29:45] You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of ALLAH (through Salat) is the most important objective. ALLAH knows everything you do.

[29:46] Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner - unless they transgress - and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our god and your god is one and the same; to Him we are submitters."

[29:47] We have revealed to you this scripture, and those whom we blessed with the previous scripture will believe in it. Also, some of your people will believe in it. Indeed, those who disregard our revelations are the real disbelievers.

[29:48] You did not read the previous scriptures, nor did you write them with your hand. In that case, the rejectors would have had reason to harbor doubts.

[29:49] In fact, these revelations are clear in the chests of those who possess knowledge. Only the wicked will disregard our revelations.

[29:50] They said, "If only miracles could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "All miracles come only from ALLAH; I am no more than a manifest warner."

[29:51] Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this book, being recited to them? This is indeed a mercy and a reminder for people who believe.

[29:52] Say, "ALLAH suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows everything in the Heavens and the Earth. Surely, those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in ALLAH are the real losers."

[29:53] They challenge you to bring the retribution! If it were not for a predetermined appointment, the retribution would have come to them immediately. Certainly, it will come to them suddenly, when they least expect it.

[29:54] They challenge you to bring retribution! Hell already surrounds the disbelievers.

[29:55] The day will come when the retribution overwhelms them, from above them and from beneath their feet; He will say, "Taste the consequences of your works."

[29:56] O My servants who believed, My earth is spacious, so worship Me.

[29:57] Everyone will taste death, then to us you will be ultimately returned.

[29:58] Those who believe and lead a righteous life, we will surely settle them in Paradise, with mansions and flowing streams. Eternally they abide therein. What a beautiful reward for the workers.

[29:59] They are the ones who steadfastly persevere, and trust in their Lord.

[29:60] Many a creature that does not carry its provision, ALLAH provides for it, as well as for you. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

[29:61] If you ask them, "Who created the Heavens and the Earth, and put the sun and the moon in your service," they will say, "ALLAH." Why then did they deviate?

[29:62] ALLAH is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses from among His creatures, and withholds it. ALLAH is fully aware of all things.

[29:63] If you ask them, "Who sends down from the sky water, to revive dead land," they will say, "ALLAH." Say, "Praise ALLAH." Most of them do not understand.

[29:64] This worldly life is no more than vanity and play, while the abode of the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew.

[29:65] When they ride on a ship, they implore ALLAH, devoting their prayers to Him. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, they revert to idolatry.

[29:66] Let them disbelieve in what we have given them, and let them enjoy temporarily; they will surely find out.

[29:67] Have they not seen that we have established a Sacred Sanctuary that we made secure, while all around them the people are in constant danger? Would they still believe in falsehood, and reject ALLAH's blessings?

[29:68] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to ALLAH, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is Hell not a just retribution for the disbelievers?

[29:69] As for those who strive in our cause, we will surely guide them in our paths. Most assuredly, ALLAH is with the pious.